FRIDAY night: Stayed a bit late at work, went next door for some happy hour drinks with co-workers. Can I just give myself a shout-out since I planned the little outing? Way to go, NP! Now, if only I could extend this nano-success to ACTUAL networking. That way, instead of standing around with a fawn-in-the-headlights look at conferences, I could actually shake my hands and hold a decent conversation. I'm still learning.
SATURDAY: Did some work at home. My dad tried to make me go to an uncle-auntie party with him (he actually said I would feel bad if I didn't go because he might have a stroke or heart attack while driving to their place. huh??). I resisted though, which made me feel bad, but I knew that nothing is more empty in terms of my time than answering the same old pratter that is directed to me: How are you? Look how big/thin/fat/pretty you are? When are you getting married? We are getting old, when are you having kids? When is the wedding?
Drove to Bwoy's place in the evening. Met up with his friend and new girlfriend (of 2 wks-- who is someone's girlfriend after 2 weeks??I guess it's official now since it's on Facebook), got fairly drunk, went to a friend's place for more drinks, then went out to a bar. At the bar, my friend told me to talk to some girls he thought were cute-- fairly successful for me (I look harmless enough), not so successful when I tried to hand the off to him. Besides, who pimps out their friends to bring back girls?? Afterwards, we ate meat pies which were really delicious when you're drunk. Perhaps they are as good sober, but I have the feeling I'll never bother to find that out. Came back around 3 am.
SUNDAY: Brunch with 2 girlfriends at a fancy brunch place in Chelsea. The place is a restaurant/clothing store. Which was supposed to be cutting edge, or something that I didn't understand. Basically this meant we were eating while surrounded by clothing racks. Very strange. Afterwards, we went to a Mikimoto sample sale, ogled jewelry, thought about when I would actually wear a $4,000 necklace (answer: never), and exited. Went to the MOMA where my day of not undertsanding cutting-edge and luxury things continued. Sorry, I'm not going to pretend-- I don't get modern art. Also, I'd rather read a book or watch a movie (pref in 3-D). We ate overpriced food at the MOMA, and my day was pretty much complete. In the evening, I picked Bwoy up from the hospital and we went to Queens to eat under-priced, easy to understand, and very delicious Indian food.
MONDAY: I have the day off! Which means I slept while panicking about how much shit I need to squeeze into work during a short workweek. I did some work at home, again. I also checked my stocks, and decided to buy stock in Borders since I shop there all the time and they are going to come up with an eBooks app in the near future this year-- I think this might help their stock price go up. I also did some planning for work. I hope they bring in the new person. Often, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Le sigh. In particular, there is an initiative I want to start at work-- but I'd be pretty much diving head first into shark-infested waters. Which means I need to be on the offensive as I start this initiative, which means I need to do research, which means--- aahhh, what am I doing updating this thing??
Well, that pretty much was my weekend. Not too bad. Off to do some more work. There's never enough time.
Settling in
Well, I would say I have definitely settled in (somewhat) to my new role. It's exhausting. I juggle multiple projects, and basically went to checking my stocks online out of boredom at my old job, to not having time to eat at this job.
That said, I do love it. And I am slowly getting better at it. Of course, they are bringing someone in to replace by departed boss, which makes me quite nervous because: a) I don't want to relinquish all my work (which I actually care about and have invested quite a bit of time in); b) I don't know if this boss will get along with me; and c) I am afraid some weird hierarchy will be implemented. Right now, the hierarchy is pretty loose which I like. The last thing I want is another layer above me. I'd rather have a team situation than a supervisor situation. After all, in my last job, I was continually squashed down like a bug, and now I am finally able to make decisions and have surprisingly been excellent at doing so. I like having this authority and don't feel it would be good for the dept to strip that away. Ego, much? Perhaps. I think it's more an opportunity for leadership, which I relish.
Needless to say, I'll have to be very cautious about the situation-- I also get to "teach" the new boss about the work that I do (and work that I will have to hand off to him/her), so I'll have to be cautious about this as well. If things work out, I can do other things and not have to feel so stressed out. If things don't work out, well I guess I'll still make the best of it until I find something better.
That said, I do love it. And I am slowly getting better at it. Of course, they are bringing someone in to replace by departed boss, which makes me quite nervous because: a) I don't want to relinquish all my work (which I actually care about and have invested quite a bit of time in); b) I don't know if this boss will get along with me; and c) I am afraid some weird hierarchy will be implemented. Right now, the hierarchy is pretty loose which I like. The last thing I want is another layer above me. I'd rather have a team situation than a supervisor situation. After all, in my last job, I was continually squashed down like a bug, and now I am finally able to make decisions and have surprisingly been excellent at doing so. I like having this authority and don't feel it would be good for the dept to strip that away. Ego, much? Perhaps. I think it's more an opportunity for leadership, which I relish.
Needless to say, I'll have to be very cautious about the situation-- I also get to "teach" the new boss about the work that I do (and work that I will have to hand off to him/her), so I'll have to be cautious about this as well. If things work out, I can do other things and not have to feel so stressed out. If things don't work out, well I guess I'll still make the best of it until I find something better.
My new role
The other day I met the COO of the company, and the CEO of one of our consultants. I'm getting used to my director taking me to these meetings as a replacement of my departed boss. What I'm NOT getting used to is the faces of these (mostly men), 30 yrs older than me, being told that I am the project manager. HA! At the end of almost every meeting, they ask inevitably the same question: "So... should we send this information to.... (look around uncertainly)... Nutty Princess?" To which my Director smiles broadly, says yes, and reassures them that I have some brain cells (literally, he says brain cells.)
Don't worry, I want to tell them, it's ridiculous to me as well. What I have to learn- and quickly- is gaining their respect. Even if that's even possible. That means learning a lot of corporate lingo quickly, and navigating personalities and politics. "Building relationships," as any good leadership book would tell you. Something I'm not quite used to. What does that exactly mean? Go around the office chatting people up? Taking everyone out for drinks? Watching a game (sadly, NP only watched tennis and knows nothing else...)?
Tonight it's Friday and I'm at home. Which is rare-- usually I like to work hard and party hard. At this point though, I truly am a bit tired. I just want to sleep and sleep and stop thinking about work. It really consumes my thoughts. On the flip side, I do love my job. Even if my gross incompetence gets me fired, I figure it's a good experience for someone my age to have.
So as I write on my couch, I've got the TV on to "Say Yes to the Dress," indulging in every girly fancy I have. Before putting on my hard-ass face and going to the office. My hard-ass face is not quite hard or stern, which is something I suppose I'd need to work on as well.
Don't worry, I want to tell them, it's ridiculous to me as well. What I have to learn- and quickly- is gaining their respect. Even if that's even possible. That means learning a lot of corporate lingo quickly, and navigating personalities and politics. "Building relationships," as any good leadership book would tell you. Something I'm not quite used to. What does that exactly mean? Go around the office chatting people up? Taking everyone out for drinks? Watching a game (sadly, NP only watched tennis and knows nothing else...)?
Tonight it's Friday and I'm at home. Which is rare-- usually I like to work hard and party hard. At this point though, I truly am a bit tired. I just want to sleep and sleep and stop thinking about work. It really consumes my thoughts. On the flip side, I do love my job. Even if my gross incompetence gets me fired, I figure it's a good experience for someone my age to have.
So as I write on my couch, I've got the TV on to "Say Yes to the Dress," indulging in every girly fancy I have. Before putting on my hard-ass face and going to the office. My hard-ass face is not quite hard or stern, which is something I suppose I'd need to work on as well.
This was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I've absorbed so much information from my job (in preparation for my new, unexpected role) I'm quite confused at this point. I have more questions to ask my departing boss (who by the way told me the other day to relax and stop putting so much pressure on myself. Easy for him to say. He's been here 8 years. I gave up benefits to take a 1-yr job with no experience and with people already turning to me for answers). I spent today fighting with Bwoy, sleeping and crying, reading some material for work that made me confused, getting depressed about it, and eating ice cream to make myself feel better. I haven't run in almost 3 weeks because I haven't signed up for a gym and I feel terrible about it. I'm becoming a dumb, fat blob. (That is far from the truth. I just feel that way). To top it off with a nice big cherry, I get to go bridal shopping with my bff. I love her to death, but I know it will affect me in a big way. And by big, I mean bad.
The next few months will hold some big changes. I'm moving, my job will consume my sanity, and I probably will continue to annoy Bwoy with my whining. Life is so unpredictable.
The next few months will hold some big changes. I'm moving, my job will consume my sanity, and I probably will continue to annoy Bwoy with my whining. Life is so unpredictable.
Is this really happening to me? Part I
I started my new job in science policy. And I love it. Love it with a capital L.
I also feel like a fish out of water.
Here I am, a trained engineer, a lowly junior engineer used to sitting in front of computers with my spreadsheets. In my engineering jobs, I’d be lucky enough to get invited to meetings, and they were usually design meetings where we discussed whether we should dredge 1 million cubic yards out of a river, or whether we should dredge 3 million cubic yards. Here I have a meeting every day accompanying my boss, in front of well-spoken, articulate folks who are at least 10 years older than me, and look like they are very used to ordering people around. They never talk design, they talk about “alliances,” and “task forces.” And they laugh, cajole each other, and have those important side conversations after the meeting. I sit mute, silently observing the political plays. These people have people skills. I don’t. How did I end up here? I must have given a damn good interview.
So I’m thinking all these things a week into my job. I am excited, because my boss has promised me that he would teach me these people skills (which, I have learned, includes knowing how to invite everyone to meetings so nobody gets left out). It’s very interesting and sometimes laughable when I think about how there is no dirty work, and it’s all memos and chats! Then I sober up and realize they still make more money than the next engineer.
One week of excitement and bliss. I happily read the material my boss sends my way, try and absorb some of the 5-6 ongoing projects he has going on. He seems busy, even overwhelmed at times, so I'm happy to be busy and assist and learn!
On day 7, my boss comes upto me to talk to me about some emails I should be sending out. "I have interesting news," says Boss. Oooh, I think, and I nod happily, thinking it might be a new miniproject I can finally take on. "I'm leaving," he says instead.
Panic ensues…
I also feel like a fish out of water.
Here I am, a trained engineer, a lowly junior engineer used to sitting in front of computers with my spreadsheets. In my engineering jobs, I’d be lucky enough to get invited to meetings, and they were usually design meetings where we discussed whether we should dredge 1 million cubic yards out of a river, or whether we should dredge 3 million cubic yards. Here I have a meeting every day accompanying my boss, in front of well-spoken, articulate folks who are at least 10 years older than me, and look like they are very used to ordering people around. They never talk design, they talk about “alliances,” and “task forces.” And they laugh, cajole each other, and have those important side conversations after the meeting. I sit mute, silently observing the political plays. These people have people skills. I don’t. How did I end up here? I must have given a damn good interview.
So I’m thinking all these things a week into my job. I am excited, because my boss has promised me that he would teach me these people skills (which, I have learned, includes knowing how to invite everyone to meetings so nobody gets left out). It’s very interesting and sometimes laughable when I think about how there is no dirty work, and it’s all memos and chats! Then I sober up and realize they still make more money than the next engineer.
One week of excitement and bliss. I happily read the material my boss sends my way, try and absorb some of the 5-6 ongoing projects he has going on. He seems busy, even overwhelmed at times, so I'm happy to be busy and assist and learn!
On day 7, my boss comes upto me to talk to me about some emails I should be sending out. "I have interesting news," says Boss. Oooh, I think, and I nod happily, thinking it might be a new miniproject I can finally take on. "I'm leaving," he says instead.
Panic ensues…
My wknd
I suppose I can start the revival of my blog with what I did this weekend.
Friday night: Went down to Union Sq to my friend's apartment to pre-party with some friends and Bwoy. Made myself 2 vodka and orange soda drinks, followed by a shot of absinthe and then a shot of really bad rum. I was buzzed shortly thereafter. Then we all went out Hudson rooftop bar for a friend's bday party. We had to get there pretty early (around 10 pm) of course because I was the only girl in the group and in New York, rooftop bars are ridiculously hard to get into.
The party was heavily brown, populated by DAPs (Desi American Princesses), some of whom I could care less about (ADAP= annoying desi american princesses). Well, most of them. This of course is the reason I pre-partied, makes these girls a little more interesting to talk to in my head. Since I was already mildly drunk, I stumbled around the roof, chatting with some of these girls, who liked to huddle in groups sipping their drinks. Alcohol tends to give me a rather alarming form of ADHD because my conversations tended to be a lot more spontaneous, short.
NP: Oh my god, I haven't seen you in so long!!
ADAP #1 who NP doesn't really care for: I know! You look soooo cute! How have you been?!
NP: Good! you look adorable too! (they hug and pretend to be happy) How's everything going with you?
ADAP #1: Good! I just finished b-school and--
NP: Uh huh. (NP is rapidly losing interest. This convo was not meant to last more than two lines)
ADAP #1: ... so I am working at Citigroup now and living with Pr--
NP (starts making some rapid eye movements, and spies another ADAP-- NP gives a dazzling smile for a nanosecond and ADAP #2 starts to make her way over through the crowd of bobbing heads)
ADAP #1: and so we found this place--
NP: Uh huh. (ADAP #2 almost within speaking distance!) You should totally have a housewarming-- it sounds really cool!
ADAP#1: But it's actually really kind small, so I'm not sure I could ac--
NP: Small schmall!!! It's New York! (waves to ADAP #2. OMG Come Over Already!!)
ADAP #1: --we did have one but oh my god I had NO idea you were here so I didn't let you kn--
NP: Uh huh. Yeah, you should(reaches out to pull ADAP #2 in) have one definitely... HI ADAP #2!!!
ADAP #2 (breathlessly): It's so crowded here!! Hiiii girls!!
ADAP #1: ADAP #2! When did you get here?!
NP: You're such a skinny minnie!
ADAP #2: What?
NP: Er, I love your dress!!
ADAP #1: omg I was going to say that too!! When did you get here?
ADAP #2: Just now-- yeah, I got it at BCBG! You like it?! Vik thinks it's too short (giggling) but I--
(NP sneaks away while those two- peas from the same pod- chat happily away).
Anyway, it started raining (of course) but Bwoy, myself, and some friends managed to go to another (covered) bar by then, where we got a few more drinks, and then ate some cheesesteaks in Murray hill at 2 am. Good times.
Saturday: Saw Inglorious Basterds with Bwoy. Great movie!!
Sunday: Did some work related to my non-insurance-giving but cool new job. Took an afternoon nap (yummy!) Then went shopping at Ann Taylor loft for a new skirt, and ate a salad from the deli.
That's it. Good bye weekend, hello week.
Friday night: Went down to Union Sq to my friend's apartment to pre-party with some friends and Bwoy. Made myself 2 vodka and orange soda drinks, followed by a shot of absinthe and then a shot of really bad rum. I was buzzed shortly thereafter. Then we all went out Hudson rooftop bar for a friend's bday party. We had to get there pretty early (around 10 pm) of course because I was the only girl in the group and in New York, rooftop bars are ridiculously hard to get into.
The party was heavily brown, populated by DAPs (Desi American Princesses), some of whom I could care less about (ADAP= annoying desi american princesses). Well, most of them. This of course is the reason I pre-partied, makes these girls a little more interesting to talk to in my head. Since I was already mildly drunk, I stumbled around the roof, chatting with some of these girls, who liked to huddle in groups sipping their drinks. Alcohol tends to give me a rather alarming form of ADHD because my conversations tended to be a lot more spontaneous, short.
NP: Oh my god, I haven't seen you in so long!!
ADAP #1 who NP doesn't really care for: I know! You look soooo cute! How have you been?!
NP: Good! you look adorable too! (they hug and pretend to be happy) How's everything going with you?
ADAP #1: Good! I just finished b-school and--
NP: Uh huh. (NP is rapidly losing interest. This convo was not meant to last more than two lines)
ADAP #1: ... so I am working at Citigroup now and living with Pr--
NP (starts making some rapid eye movements, and spies another ADAP-- NP gives a dazzling smile for a nanosecond and ADAP #2 starts to make her way over through the crowd of bobbing heads)
ADAP #1: and so we found this place--
NP: Uh huh. (ADAP #2 almost within speaking distance!) You should totally have a housewarming-- it sounds really cool!
ADAP#1: But it's actually really kind small, so I'm not sure I could ac--
NP: Small schmall!!! It's New York! (waves to ADAP #2. OMG Come Over Already!!)
ADAP #1: --we did have one but oh my god I had NO idea you were here so I didn't let you kn--
NP: Uh huh. Yeah, you should(reaches out to pull ADAP #2 in) have one definitely... HI ADAP #2!!!
ADAP #2 (breathlessly): It's so crowded here!! Hiiii girls!!
ADAP #1: ADAP #2! When did you get here?!
NP: You're such a skinny minnie!
ADAP #2: What?
NP: Er, I love your dress!!
ADAP #1: omg I was going to say that too!! When did you get here?
ADAP #2: Just now-- yeah, I got it at BCBG! You like it?! Vik thinks it's too short (giggling) but I--
(NP sneaks away while those two- peas from the same pod- chat happily away).
Anyway, it started raining (of course) but Bwoy, myself, and some friends managed to go to another (covered) bar by then, where we got a few more drinks, and then ate some cheesesteaks in Murray hill at 2 am. Good times.
Saturday: Saw Inglorious Basterds with Bwoy. Great movie!!
Sunday: Did some work related to my non-insurance-giving but cool new job. Took an afternoon nap (yummy!) Then went shopping at Ann Taylor loft for a new skirt, and ate a salad from the deli.
That's it. Good bye weekend, hello week.
Loooong overdue update
Hmmm so 8 months after my last post, I moved back in with my parents (whimper), started a new boring job (meh), quit that job (wahoo!), and then started a more more challenging but exciting job (whimper/wahoo!/whimper).

Below is a more detailed rundown of lessons and developments over the past 8 months. I'll have to break each one down in separate posts because I have so much crap to write to entertain myself.
a) I have a really good resume. Really. I'm great on paper. This is why I was able to switch jobs during a middle of one of the worst recessions in American history. Famous last words...
b) My new job is less engineering and much more policy. Oh lord, the differences between the two groups of people. I'll have to navigate THAT in a later post.
c) I hate living with my parents and have almost taken up actual residence at Bwoy's. I love my parents and love living (almost) rent-free so I suck it up. But seriously, the COMPLAINTS of my mother! oy vey. I'm a whiny selfish spoilt child so I'll save that for a later post too.
d) I miss chi-town and my friends in it. NY gals are another breed-- a little too sex and the city for me (yes, I realize I'm from NY but I was never SATC! More like J Lo's Jenny from the block crossed with Eyore). And I have drama with them! It's because some of them are desi and desi princesses are the worst kind in my opinion. All princesses are. That's why I'm a nutty princess.
oh and
e) My sexy new job (which I left a nice cushy job with benefits for) is exciting and cutting edge. I mean, it really is exciting. I get excited going to work! And when I tell other people who aren't even in my field, they get excited too! Well, anyway, this lovely new job has quite a number of downsides already. Principal one is: it has no benefits. So I join the 45 million Americans who have no insurance now. This makes all those health care town meetings all the more interesting to me.... until I watch it for the first 10 minutes and get headaches from the cankterous, screaming, redfaced protesters.
Le sigh.
More later. So many updates to do!
Below is a more detailed rundown of lessons and developments over the past 8 months. I'll have to break each one down in separate posts because I have so much crap to write to entertain myself.
a) I have a really good resume. Really. I'm great on paper. This is why I was able to switch jobs during a middle of one of the worst recessions in American history. Famous last words...
b) My new job is less engineering and much more policy. Oh lord, the differences between the two groups of people. I'll have to navigate THAT in a later post.
c) I hate living with my parents and have almost taken up actual residence at Bwoy's. I love my parents and love living (almost) rent-free so I suck it up. But seriously, the COMPLAINTS of my mother! oy vey. I'm a whiny selfish spoilt child so I'll save that for a later post too.
d) I miss chi-town and my friends in it. NY gals are another breed-- a little too sex and the city for me (yes, I realize I'm from NY but I was never SATC! More like J Lo's Jenny from the block crossed with Eyore). And I have drama with them! It's because some of them are desi and desi princesses are the worst kind in my opinion. All princesses are. That's why I'm a nutty princess.
oh and
e) My sexy new job (which I left a nice cushy job with benefits for) is exciting and cutting edge. I mean, it really is exciting. I get excited going to work! And when I tell other people who aren't even in my field, they get excited too! Well, anyway, this lovely new job has quite a number of downsides already. Principal one is: it has no benefits. So I join the 45 million Americans who have no insurance now. This makes all those health care town meetings all the more interesting to me.... until I watch it for the first 10 minutes and get headaches from the cankterous, screaming, redfaced protesters.
Le sigh.
More later. So many updates to do!
Boys, motorcycles, tattoos
Last night I met up with a friend of a friend of mine who I had never met. The situation arose from an email our mutual friend had sent to us saying, “NP this is my friend, S. S, this is NP. You guys live in the same city; you should meet!” I ignored the email since: a) I am moving out of Chitown soon anyway; and b) I am lazy and have my clique of friends here already. Anyway, S actually emailed me and wanted to meet! I was impressed that he took the initiative and intrigued. The problem is he is as busy as I am, and more of a social butterfly, so we could never coordinate schedules. Finally we did meet up briefly and it was quite nice.
Actually, it almost felt like a date. We had hot chocolate, we talked and laughed easily until the chocolate shop kicked us out at closing, and later he dropped me off on his motorcycle (all I can say is woah). And he kept giving me the “look,” i.e. giving me a sly look at me when I wasn’t looking. Girls, you know what I’m talking about. So of course I had to slip in Bwoy into the conversation and his face changed slightly but he recovered. It’s always awkward to bring up Bwoy, but it’s fair—I guess I’ve had so many instances where guys automatically lose interest once I mention Bwoy, it kinda makes me feel like, doesn’t anyone want to be my friend? But overall, S was really cool, and riding on his motorcycle on the highway was both terrifying and exhilarating. He kept assuring me he was going slower than usual (which meant he was doing 70-80 mph), and I had to close my eyes and hold on to him very tight to the point where I was probably cutting off his windpipe.
I must admit, it’s very very hot to see a guy riding a motorcycle and even hotter when the girl gets to ride on it with them. What’s even hotter though is seeing a girl riding a motorcycle herself. So now I want to get a motorcycle. Even though Bwoy assures me they are more like “death” cycles. But it’s sooo hot. There are lots of things I want to do- get a motorcycle, get a tattoo (I already have a couple of piercings), and some other things I won’t mention on this blog. Bwoy claims tattoos are unattractive but I disagree; I think they’re an expression of yourself—just like me liking clothes. Of course, he could care two hoots about what he throws on himself, so it makes sense he think that. Still, I think I might get a very small tattoo of something meaningful to me…
Boys who dance
Last weekend I went out to two vastly different parties in Chicago. The first was at Japonais, a swank club patronized by celebrities (okay, once I saw Hugh Hefner and his Playboy bunnies at it on an episode of "Girls Next Door"). I had a $13 cocktail that was quite good and strong, looked around at the dressy, 30-yr olds around me. We sat, sipped, chatted, looked. We sat outside, at the very pretty veranda they have, attended by attractive watiresses, generic hiphop playing in the background suggestively, although nobody danced-- just sipped and chatted. I wore a tight peasant white shirt, a beige miniskirt, heels, earrings, the works.
The second party was at The Hideout-- pure hipster bliss. I wore sandals, a dingy gray shirt, and a cute gray miniskirt that ballooned out and had pockets, as is the fashion. No earrings, no makeup. But after three hours there, I came out a sweaty mess and it was HELLA fun. Damn, hipsters get down when dancing. I was there with three of my girlfriends, and dudes actually approached us and ASKED us if we wanted to dance! No grabbing of asses or sneakily coming up from behind to grind! In fact, there was no grinding! This was the first party in Chicago where the majority of guys were actually dancing by themselves and ENJOYING IT. I've been to plenty of places in Wicker Park, Bucktown, and other hoods with a good percentage of hipsters, but didn't see such unalderated dancing like here. No need or urge to hump a girl, just pure simple fun of dancing. Being a lover of dance, this made me happy. I eventually dragged my friend to the stage at the end of the night and within five minutes we had almost the entire club join us. I was sober the entire night.
Truth be told, although I am not in a profession typical of a hipster, I like hanging out with them and dancing. So much fun! Everybody was sweaty and just plain rockin gout to the music (most of which I did not recognize. yes, I am an unashamed fan of booty music). Anyways,just my thoughts and a belated update on my come home at 4am every night wknds in the summer. Chicago in the summer- sigh. EVERYONE goes out and parties. Nuts.
The second party was at The Hideout-- pure hipster bliss. I wore sandals, a dingy gray shirt, and a cute gray miniskirt that ballooned out and had pockets, as is the fashion. No earrings, no makeup. But after three hours there, I came out a sweaty mess and it was HELLA fun. Damn, hipsters get down when dancing. I was there with three of my girlfriends, and dudes actually approached us and ASKED us if we wanted to dance! No grabbing of asses or sneakily coming up from behind to grind! In fact, there was no grinding! This was the first party in Chicago where the majority of guys were actually dancing by themselves and ENJOYING IT. I've been to plenty of places in Wicker Park, Bucktown, and other hoods with a good percentage of hipsters, but didn't see such unalderated dancing like here. No need or urge to hump a girl, just pure simple fun of dancing. Being a lover of dance, this made me happy. I eventually dragged my friend to the stage at the end of the night and within five minutes we had almost the entire club join us. I was sober the entire night.
Truth be told, although I am not in a profession typical of a hipster, I like hanging out with them and dancing. So much fun! Everybody was sweaty and just plain rockin gout to the music (most of which I did not recognize. yes, I am an unashamed fan of booty music). Anyways,just my thoughts and a belated update on my come home at 4am every night wknds in the summer. Chicago in the summer- sigh. EVERYONE goes out and parties. Nuts.
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