
My new role

The other day I met the COO of the company, and the CEO of one of our consultants. I'm getting used to my director taking me to these meetings as a replacement of my departed boss. What I'm NOT getting used to is the faces of these (mostly men), 30 yrs older than me, being told that I am the project manager. HA! At the end of almost every meeting, they ask inevitably the same question: "So... should we send this information to.... (look around uncertainly)... Nutty Princess?" To which my Director smiles broadly, says yes, and reassures them that I have some brain cells (literally, he says brain cells.)

Don't worry, I want to tell them, it's ridiculous to me as well. What I have to learn- and quickly- is gaining their respect. Even if that's even possible. That means learning a lot of corporate lingo quickly, and navigating personalities and politics. "Building relationships," as any good leadership book would tell you. Something I'm not quite used to. What does that exactly mean? Go around the office chatting people up? Taking everyone out for drinks? Watching a game (sadly, NP only watched tennis and knows nothing else...)?

Tonight it's Friday and I'm at home. Which is rare-- usually I like to work hard and party hard. At this point though, I truly am a bit tired. I just want to sleep and sleep and stop thinking about work. It really consumes my thoughts. On the flip side, I do love my job. Even if my gross incompetence gets me fired, I figure it's a good experience for someone my age to have.

So as I write on my couch, I've got the TV on to "Say Yes to the Dress," indulging in every girly fancy I have. Before putting on my hard-ass face and going to the office. My hard-ass face is not quite hard or stern, which is something I suppose I'd need to work on as well.

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