

This was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I've absorbed so much information from my job (in preparation for my new, unexpected role) I'm quite confused at this point. I have more questions to ask my departing boss (who by the way told me the other day to relax and stop putting so much pressure on myself. Easy for him to say. He's been here 8 years. I gave up benefits to take a 1-yr job with no experience and with people already turning to me for answers). I spent today fighting with Bwoy, sleeping and crying, reading some material for work that made me confused, getting depressed about it, and eating ice cream to make myself feel better. I haven't run in almost 3 weeks because I haven't signed up for a gym and I feel terrible about it. I'm becoming a dumb, fat blob. (That is far from the truth. I just feel that way). To top it off with a nice big cherry, I get to go bridal shopping with my bff. I love her to death, but I know it will affect me in a big way. And by big, I mean bad.

The next few months will hold some big changes. I'm moving, my job will consume my sanity, and I probably will continue to annoy Bwoy with my whining. Life is so unpredictable.

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