
Things to do if I pass the big exams...

1. Go to a swanky overpriced hair salon and get a badly needed haircut. Feel important for a couple of hours.

2. Go buy hot boots.

3. Buy winter workout clothes.

4. Buy cute winter coat?

5. Sweaters!

Hmmm. This sounds very consumerist. How about...

6. Come out of semi-exile and start doing cultural things around Chi-town, i.e. free events, deep and depressing indie flicks.

7. Think about taking yoga.

8. Be nicer to L (my bff), Bwoy, parents. IDD

9. Re-start running (on hiatus for 3 weeks=( Make a schedule.

10. Make a schedule of what I need accpmlished for the next 3 months.

11. 6 hours of sleep weekdays, sleep in weekends.

Hmmm. this is not starting to sound leisurely anymore.

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