

It's been a long time since I posted.

What's happened since then? Um, work. Lots of it. And now I have a delicious month-long break with... NOTHING TO DO! Hehe. And I'm back in NY, staying with Bwoy, sleeping with Bwoy ;), and sleeping all day...

My day today:

12pm: Woke up! Bwoy woke me up from the coffeeshop where he was estudiando.

1pm: Groggily (and proud of it) showered, put on decent clothes, hopped on train to Long Island City to Best Friend's (BF) boyfriend's apartment.

2-4pm: Had bruch with Bwoy, Best Friend, and Best Friend's Boyfriend (BFBF). Also goggled at the rapid gentrification Long Island City is undergoing. I remember the times growing up (not too long ago, too) when it was all junkies and abandoned warehouses... now there are luxury high rises popping up all over the place!!! I miss the gritty days. I do.

Oh, and did I ever mention how brunch is my favorite meal EVER? We cooked whole-grain pancakes with Vermont maple syrup (the real kind-- thin and sweet, not the thick sticky scary Aunt Jemima kind), omlettes with onions, mushrooms, cheddar, toast with butter, blackberries and bananas to top off our pancakes, orange juice and champagne= mimosas!
=) Food Coma Alert- for real.

4pm-5pm: Back to Manhattan, and Starbucks after the really heavy brunch. Oh funny story.... so after I ordered my drink, I joked about how yuppie I had become. I mean, I ordered an eggnog latte (skim, no whipped). I had become one of those pretentious snobs who gave about a thousand directions on how to make my particular cup of coffee, and then paid a ridiculous amount of money to have it handed over to me. I remember as a teenager growing up on the poor side, I'd walk around in my puffy coat, bandana, and sneaks, loving the way the yuppies would shift their eyes when they saw me enter their sacred kingdom of Starbucks (where I'd buy a water- ha!). Now I had become one of those yuppies!! Ay caramba.

So as we joked about it and walked down the street with our overpriced, oversugared beverages, a woman in stylish boots and a leather jacket stopped us, out of breath. "Oh my god, where is the nearest Starbucks?" Bwoy blinked, pointed down the block, and she breathlessly thanked out and ran towards the Starbucks. We looked at each other and laughed. A lot. Good lord. What a city.

5pm- 9pm- worked in Bwoy's room. Bwoy working on writeups, me figuring out why I can't register for classes because of bills online I allegedly hadn't paid. Argh, stupid office of financially retarded people.

9pm- well that hasn't happened yet, but the plan is to eat and then write Holiday cards. Yum! I love doing that=) I bought these small cards from Barnes & Noble for 20% off-- that's right, bitches! Don't hate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crossword puzzles are cute.