
Social Guy

Usually on Friday nights, back in my life in the big Apple, I would NEVER stay home. I'd have dinner with Bwoy, change at his place, and go out on the town. Bwoy would usually not come, since he would have studying to do. So I'd call up Social Guy and see what was up.

Social Guy ALWAYS had something planned. With him, we would hit a couple of parties at bars where either my friend's cousin's boyfriend's roommate's sister was having a party or Social Guy's friend's roommate's girlfriend's sister was having a party. Some combination of that. Of course Social Guy would have less degrees of separation than I would-- I mean, duh, I named him Social Guy.

And these weren't just average parties with stuggling artists selling T-shirts and smoking up at some hole in the wall apartment, or dive bars with $2 beer specials. These were at pricey bars where the minimum drink was $15-25, mermaids swam around in giant fishtanks (no... seriously), bottles of champagne and wine were ordered, and women and waitresses walked around half-naked but with designer materials covering up their boobies so that they could be deemed "classy." Of course, to be fair, I knew some of the throwers of the party. But to be more fair, Social Guy knew more.

The funny thing about Social Guy is he wasn't cool in college. Or in high school. Or in middle school. Or in elementary school. Okay, maybe elementary school, what do 5-yr olds know anyway? I mean, I was cool in elementary school because I let pple eat my PBJ sandwiches. (Hmm, if only life were so simple now). Social Guy only became cool after college. That was something that initially went against my reason. I always assumed that after you "entered the real world" (as my parents and professors and college president would menacingly say during graduation), life pretty much went downhill socially. Apparently for grad students it does- and I can say that since I'm now a grad student. But for NON-grad students, it's the best! And there is so much more opportunity to be social. And I can say that since I spent a couple of years being a non-grad student.

So what's the point of this meaningless post? If anyone actually reads this and you are:
a) in college
b) not in college, but at some mind numbing, money sucking graduate school
c) lost in the "real world"
d) obsessed with being cool

don't worry:
a) Life is soooo much nicer once your head is out of the books.
b) It's never too late to be comfortable in your skin.

That's pretty much what happened with Social Guy. He grew into his own skin (a little late, but what the hell).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bwoy can be a social guy too.