
UNfriendly friends

Do you have a friend who you're not sure actually likes you? I have a friend like that. It's so strange. I like her a lot, and we have our moments of ease, but I think the problem lies with the fact that she's a bit socially awkward. She looks uncomfortable and embarassed a lot of the times, and I end up trying to fill in the gaps of silence (I probably talk too much, now that I think about it). We talk about various things, with me doing most of the talking and picking of topics. She's fairly quiet, and does get animated at certain points, but it's mostly me who's doing the prodding and joking. She'll look embarassed a lot, and shift her eyes all over the place, as if to signal she's afraid people are watching us. This in turn will make me think, o my god, is she embarassed to be seen with me? At the end of our "outings," she rushes off after an awkward hug and I'm left with the uncertain feeling that she didn't have fun at all. But then she'll email me and tell me what a great time she had. And that's another thing: She is much much better at being charming over email than in person. She sounds so much happier on email, punctuating her remarks with extremely uncharacteristic happy faces and exclamation points. (!!!)

I end up thinking, Is this the same person? Did we go out on the same "friend-date"?

Well, after all this overanalyzing, I've come to the conclusion that she does in fact like me. I mean, would a person actually suggest hanging out if they didn't like a person? Despite all external signs, I'll take her emails as justification of that. And if email didn't exist, then what...??

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