
Imitation and why I'm uncomfortable with it

After blogging lovingly about Mofito (My Only Friend in The Office) and how it's so nice to have an ally amidst the politics that is known as The Office, it's about time for me to switch gears, get sick of her, and be promptly very irritated by her.

Why am I irritated lately? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that is precisely what irritates me . . . .

Mofito has taken to doing everything I do. Period. End of sentence.

Some details, folks:
- when I speak to a coworker, she will sidle up next to me to listen and even join in the conversation. That is fine for some conversations, but not ALL conversations- especially PRIVATE ones!
- When I get chocolates for Little Boss (a conscious ploy to get on her good side), Mofito will ask if I want to split the cost of the chocolates. Um, no. It was MY idea (and plus I'll have to share the credit, goodness gracious).
- When I go to a restaurant with everyone, she asks me what I'm ordering and order the SAME thing.
- When we all go out to happy hour, she asks me what I'm drinking and gets the SAME drink.
- When I go out to lunch with a non-work-related-friend, Mofito will drop blatant hints to me that she wants to be invited. And then she'll resent that I had lunch without her. Um, this is a PRIVATE lunch.
- Also, she sort of takes my advice a little too seriously. For example, I'll tell her she should wear more tanktops in the heat and although she has never worn them in her life (as she claims) she'll buy one immediately. (I was half-joking! I don't care if she wears tanks or not!)

There is also some weird competitive vibe coming from her. She will try to weasel out what my raise was, what my bonus was. Those are things you do not push people to talk about- it's an unspoken Office rule. She will try to get the same mentor as me, and try to get involved in the same projects as me (which has nothing to do with what she does!- she's not an engineer).

Yes, I am a mean and petty person. I am also the baby of my family and have never been an older sibling. After much discussion, I believe it boils down to the fact that Mofito acts like my psuedo little sister:
- She wants to do what I do,
- she gets mad when I don't invite her to things,
- she takes my advice waaayyy too seriously.

Honestly, little sisters scare me. I get genuinely creeped out by people who actually LISTEN to my bullshit and wants to be like me. Hell there are plenty of times I don't want to be like me! Why in the world would someone want to be like me? I'm not fishing for compliments here- it's seriously hard for me to wrap my head around.

Anyway enough venting. I was pretty stressed out this week- what with having a sinus infection, telling my boss I was leaving the company (more on that later)- so I just put it all on Mofito. Now I suppose I'll act more sisterly and pretend I'm wise around her. That'll be a challenge unto itself. =)

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