
Becoming a wing woman

Now that I am with Bwoy, I've noticed that my single friends love to take me to accompany them to bars and clubs. It's not that I never used to go when I was single- I went a decent amount- no, it's more that they seem more eager to literally drag me around like I was their little lapdog or something. This has only led me to conclude that the reasons why I end up being dragged around the city is as follows:

1. I am no longer on the market and therefore am not a competitor to my girlfriends as they flirt their way through the bar scene (although they will vigorously deny this and claim that they love me and that's why I am there with them);

2. I am an excellent wing woman.

To be honest, #2 has already been verbalized to me many many times. And to be even more honest, I think it has something to do with #1- my skills have been conveniently transferred from singledom to wingwomandom.

How did it start? How did I become someone's wing woman (a.k.a someone's bitch)?

Let's say you have two girls huddled around a bar, kindly rejecting offers of dancing and conversation from guys. One girl is fixated on her drink, the other on scanning boys. Girl Fixated on Boys sees a boy she finally likes. She wants him. Him alone. Specifically, Girl Fixated on Boys wants him to come over to buy her a drink. She starts to give him the "eye" (i.e., looking at him, looking away, looking and him and smiling, looking away, and so on). Unfortunately, the boy is either pretty dense or he is preoccupied talking to his male friend.

Girl Fixated on Boys: Ooooh, he's so cuuuuute!

Girl Fixated on Drink: Huh? Who?

B: Over there, in the red shirt. (flicks her head in his direction).

D (squinting): Oh. If you think so, I guess.

B: Ugh, this bar sucks. I'm gonna go over and talk to him.

D: Are you serious?

B: There's no guys here except for him.

D: Um, we're like the only girls here. We're in a sea of men.

B: Ugh! But they're all gross! He's the only decent one.

D: Oy vey.

B: I'm gonna go over to him.

D: What?

B: Well what else am I going to do? This place is going to close soon.

D: You're going to leave me here by myself??

B: Well he has a friend, you know.

D: What's that supposed to mean?

B: YOU can talk to his friend!

D: But I haven't finished my drink!

B: Oh, just bring it with you.

D (groaning): But I didn't come here to--

B: Oh come on! You already have a boyfriend. It'll be quick, I promise.

D: But I don't kno--

B (smiling): Pleeeease.

D: Awww jeez. Fine.

B: Okay, just distract his friend while I go talk to him.

D: Oh gosh. For how long?

B: Seriously. It'll take me five minutes.

D: Really?

B: Really. Now come on, girl! You're the best! (Smiling, turns towards the damned boy, dragging D behind her).


And that's how it started, folks. D= Girl Fixated on Drink = wing woman = NP.

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