
NP's One Store

In my old years, I've gotten lazy. I've gotten tired of:

1 - the Going Out And Clubbing With My Girlfriends In A Circle scene,

2 - the Get Drunk And Drunk Dial Everyone To Tell Them I Love Them scene (oh wait... I still do that),

and most importantly,

3 - the Scour The City For The Offbeat And Cool Clothes Scene.

I can't bounce around from store to store anymore, searching for cool deals. I rarely go to the Salvation Army anymore to try to buy a "find"- that rare piece that is so NP and nobody else has. I guess I'm just not that attention-seeking as I was as a teenager. No more trying to forge my identity through what I wear. Either that, or I'm just plain lazy... or I realize that I am lucky to have clothes at all so why care so much? Anyway, sometimes, it's hard for me to even bargain-hunt! Yes, I've gotten lazy. Nowadays, I like to go into one store and buy everything I need in one go.

I guess it would impress my friends if I said the store is Saks. Or Barney's, the veritable NY stamp of style. Or a hip boutique, like Purdy Gurl in the village. But my cheap, practical (and possibly Indian) side wins out. My store of choice is H&M.

That's right. I'm a fan. Of the sweaters that don't quite fit, the trendy linen skirts, the $3.50 sunglasses. Today, for example, everything that I am wearing (with the exception of my underwear and shoes) is from H&M!

It's just so convenient to have one store with everything, especially for my lazy, tired ass=)

I wonder if, in the name of frugality, I'll ever convert to Bwoy's way of thinking- all of his own clothes come from Costco's. Hmmm…. naaah.

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