

Since my blog usually reads like an angst ridden 16-yr old's blog (trust me, I'm not 16; neither am i some 45-yr old creepy dude pretending to be a 25-yr old female), I've decided to blog about something more normal-- the search for the perfect barber.

Today I woke up, got to work around 9, and shamefully spent the next two hours shamelessly looking for a place to get a haircut. I consider myself thrifty by a girl's standards-- although I love fashion (reading it, looking at it, dreaming it, and hopefully making it soon enough), I am not the type to go buy a designer bag or even shoes. I tried to, to make myself feel more girly. When I finished my masters I told myself I'd get myself a gift, since I never got one from family or friends (hell, I didn't even attend graduation). Anyways, my gift was going to be a nice, vuluptuous, slouchy hobo bags so trendy among the rich and famous. I spent HOURS on websites like,,, and numerous other locations. I found several that I liked and even LOVED, but I bit my lip everytime I saw a price above $200 (needless to say, they were are at least 3X that). So it didn't work out. My brownness, and the fact that my parents raised me on Salvation army clothes, hand-me-downs, and terribly un-brand name Kangaroo sneakers bit me in the buttocks.

So my point is, I'm a girl who will shop at thrift stores and shuns expensive brand-name clothing, but I will pay upto $200 on a haircut. Okay, I only did that once-- but it included the coloring! Nowadays, my price range has been ~$70 in Chicago. It hurts. In NY, I used to go to this Columbian lady who spoke very little english. We communicated through sign language and my attempts to make scissor motions with my hands at different areas of my head. She was great, although she tended to cut my hair so that I looked like a boy. But hey, I still looked cute and who could complain at $20? When I came to Chicago, I both saw the light and faded into darkness. I started going to a oh-so=fancy "stylist" at a "salon" who charged me outrageous amounts but at least she didn't make my hair quite so short. And she spoke English (always a plus). I think the extra $50 at these salons is for the coffee they serve you... and um, yeah, I dunno what else.

Anyways, the said Chicago stylist moved away (sniff), but she recommended that I go to her colleague (Mr. New Stylist). I hated him. Here's why:

Ms. Old Stylist always told me her vision for me, which was good, since I am: a) clueless as to how to tame my frizzy mane; and b) down for anything (I thankfully have a face that can pull off a lot of things). The Mr. New Stylist, however, actually asked me MY vision-- er, I don't know? That's why I pay you an extra $50, Mr. new STYLIST? Anyways, out of pure desperation, I told the new stylist I wanted the Rihanna cut. Let's just say that although I can pull a lot of things off, I don't quite think I can pull off her rock-glam-hip-hop queen look. But that's just me.

So I went back to Mr. New Stylist bitter and upset two days later and he fixed it to look more feminine, less hard. The problem is, whenever I see him, he looks scared to cut my hair, and still asks me what I want. How the hell do I know? I was the one who asked for the disastrous Rihanna haircut, remember??

So I found another place near me that got fab reviews on Yelp. Plus, it offers a 30% discount for first-time customers so it's only $55! It's amazing to think I spend $600 on haircuts annully- sigh. But like I said, I splurge on my hair. I'm truly excited for my hair appointment tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers!

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