
My roommate's Meltdown

My decision to leave my apt occurred as a result of my roommate's latest meltdown. Generally, she is a quiet, mousy, socially awkward person who is continually working and frowning. She is my age but she looks like she's in her 30s because of her anxiety lines. Anyway, the quiet is fine, except the only time we talk is about: a) ultra serious things (once she told me about the difference between Marx and some other dude. See? I already forgot); b) to complain about her day.

The thing is, she is an ART HISTORIAN. Who becomes an art historian? How do you possibly have more work, harder work, or -to be frank- more RELEVANT work than an engineer? Anyways she takes her art history very seriously which I find very funny. Good luck to her.


But I digress. Back to the meltdown. So I'm sitting in my room, surfing the net, watching TV, when I hear her wailing in the other room. This has happened before. I used to get stunned and petrified, but now I just calmly turn up the volume. This time, however, she actually knocked on my door. I opened the door to see her on the phone, screaming to some Dell guy because her computer charger died (as well as her battery). "What do you mean I have to wait 3 business days to get the new charger?? This could not have happened at a worse time in my CAREER!!"

Hold up, rewind. Did she just complain that they can't overnight her stupid charger? Did she just call being a grad student a CAREER? Wow, we are in serious trouble. Eventually, after about another 20 minutes of yelling and crying (ending with the Dell guy saying, "Thank you and I hope you continue to business with us," and her saying "Never again!" before slamming down the phone), she comes up to me crying about her computer. Although all she needed to do was buy another a charger at the local Walmart, she kept being concerned about her motherboard. Now, I'm no expert at computers, but I'm pretty sure it was her HARD DRIVE she should be concerned with, no? I said so to her, but she kept repeating like a parrot her worries about her motherboard. All I could do was roll my eyes. This went on for about half an hour, where she was hyperventilating, talking to me about this being so bad for her CAREER, and worrying about her damn motherboard. Good lord. Eventually, I had to give her my computer just so that she would shuttup and stop bothering me. She was very obsequious when I did so, and had to keep it for longer than I expected because she had to surf the net to calm down. Wow.

This is so typical of her. Conversations with her are less about her listening rather than telling me some bullshit that I probably don't need to know- and as you can see, is probably something untrue that she believes (like when she insisted breast implants expire every 10 years. See? Why would I need to know that? Plus, it's not even true!)

Anyways, I need to move. The girl is insane. This wasn't even half of it-- I'm just tired of writing at this point, and need to get out to start looking at apartments.

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