

I need a vacation. This week has been blech with a capital B. Also interpreting as busted, bummer, busy..

The busy part is over: I had an exam that was due at midnight and- lazy bum that I am- I emailed it to the profs at 11:59 pm . That didn't bother me though. What bothered me my crazy ass friend telling me almost every day last week we should go out for drinks to celebrate, and me making reservations, and looking fwd to the fancy place, and ON THE DAY OF THE EXAM she forgets, and when I ask her if she wants to go to dinner, she whines and says she has too much work.

Good lord, the nerve. This is after I spent HOURS and HOURS listening to her freak out about her abnormal-to-begin-with relationships with people. I mean, can I get some love back here? Seriously. She once spent 45 minutes bitching about the dental assistant's attempts to make conversation with her. I had to pretend like the dental assistant was off her rocker, when, in truth, my friend is as crazy and awkward as they come.

And then the other day, I sat mortified and pinned to the couch in her apartment as I heard her sobbing in the next room. I had to sneak out of her apt after listening to half an hour of sobs... of course, we never discussed the fact that I left, leaving my half-eaten meal on her table, which makes everything even more awkward. We never even discussed what caused this to happen, her leaving me on the couch abruptly, going to her room, closing the door, and wailing for half an hour. Later, I found out the culprit- she had decided to overnalayze and freak out over a 5-line email she sent to her prof. Oy.

Sigh. This has pretty much solidified my decision to live by myself next year. So at least I can decompress from all the wacky pple in my life.

Times likes these I miss Bwoy. Is this what post-college life is supposed to be like? I don't think so. I think this is what grad school is. I mean, I lived and worked in NY after college and that was quite normal. now that I've moved, well... let's just say I've never met as many crazies in NY as I have in graduate school.

This is why I need a vacation. I need some sanity.

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