
Skin Care

Back in chi-town!

Back to work, back to no life. At first I was blue, but now I am starting to like it!!! Oy vey. What is wrong with me?

By the way, my favorite article from NY Times this week

The Cosmetics Restriction Diet

I totally agree with the author!! I use Dove Soap daily on my face, water, and a moisturizer. And my skin I would say is pretty good (*knocks on wood*). The fancy-schmanzy creams by friends always buy scare me with their attack on my olfactory glands (geez, the smells they come up with are INSANE), and mostly their INSANE prices. I've become a cheap-o now that I'm a grad student.

And makeup? It's sad when I see girls who can't go outside without their makeup. Y'all know who I'm talking about. The other day, I read a blog of a girl who posts about makeup and her knowledge is scary-intensive. Her knowledge vast and won a lot of admirers, but when I looked at her pics, I thought her face looked like a cake. Remove the layers and there would be much more natural beauty underneath.

Okay enough ranting for today! One day I'll do my own skincare and makeup post. Except it will be three lines. Ha! J/K.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're too funny! I agree that girls need to loosen up on their makeup, etc,