0645 ~Woke up, put on workout pants and t-shirt, brushed teeth, fell back asleep.
0700 ~Woke up, put on socks, turned ringing cell alarm off, fell back asleep.
0830 ~Woke up, cried "&^%%$ goddamn &;^%&^$ oy vey!" jumped out of bed, stripped, ran naked to the bathroom to get into the shower.
0840 ~Ran to catch the train, grabbed heavy coat despite 70 degree weather, stunk up the car, slept on my way to work.

*so much for working out*
Today was "review" day so I observed each employee's face as they entered and - an hour or so later- exited the conference room and their "review" meeting. I had mine early- 2 wks ago- so I knew how they felt.
0920 ~ Bought some overpriced chai at Starbucks, sprinted to work.
0930 ~Got work on creating maps, which was much fun. Rocked out to music with my headphones in my cubicle in the meantime.
1200 ~SUSHI!!!!
1300 ~Discussed good eats with coworkers; emailed some pple about discoveries on good eats.
[Tangra Masala is my new favorite target. Indo-chinese food, here I come! I love food.]
1330 ~Peeked inside conference room after Secretary's review and observed a box of tissues on the table. *Gasp* *Who cried during their review??*

1400 ~Spent rest of the day learning triangulation, which given my nerdiness, was una fiesta grande.
1710 ~Had veeeerrryyy interesting convo with coworker about why a certain Miss got a promo over the rest of us, despite her lack of seniority.
[I hate favoritism. And people who suck up and like to pretend they have no idea why they got those "special" profit cuts, "Who, me?? I get an office? Gee whiz, thanks, boss!" And I hate bosses who give us bullshit reasons as to why the said suck-up got that special bonus. I'm not stupid. Please respect my intelligence.]
1800 ~Determined to myself to talk to boss about the "favoritism" to boss. Hell. I'm leaving in a few months anyway.
... .... Have a lovely weekend, folks. It's drizzling a bit in New York, but it's finally warm enough to stop wearing my worn out long underwear =P....
1 comment:
I like the way you look at things around you and you av written well to describe it...
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