Now for today's thoughts (because that's what blogs are about, right? yes, I'm a fast learner)...
I read the NYTimes religously (not because it's particularly good, but because I like reading feature articles; they're amusing the NYTimes is chock full of them).

I read the fashion and style section, mostly because I like to chuckle at the funny things pple will do for the sake of "fashion." I live in New York City, for chrissake. Trying to be fashionable here is like being a splatter of vibrant red paint on one of Jackson Pollack's paintings- you're cute, but you ain't nothing special. (ya terrible analogy, but I never said I was an expert).
So this fashion and style section comments on trends that are only known to a certain crust of society (I guess the one that they deem "hip" and "trendy" unlike the rest of us poor slobs), like articles about expensive-as-hell oxygen treatments or dog salons that the Upper East Side rich take their pampered pooches to. And then amidst the elitist shit the newspaper publishes, they'll randomly throw in an article commenting on a trend that is really DECADES old--- I love how the NYTimes is like, "Blogs! It's the new thing among the youngsters!" Anyways I like to try to stay afloat the trends but I don't go all out like some of the women I see. I mean, what's the point? AND what's the point of these crazy shoes?
Who would wear shoes like that? WHY?? WHY??!! If men don't have to wear them, why do women do it (in the paraphrased words of the great Kyoko Mori)? I mean, I understand you've got to play the game- and trust me, I can play it as well as anyone- but outside of the game, I'm down for some jeans, sneakers, and t-shirt, and a good book. Hallelujah. Instead I see women tottering around in these ginormous heels, getting them heels stuck in the sidewalk gratings of the city (also hilarious), and emerging years later with feet that look like... well really really really blistered toads.

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