Anyway we were talking about prices of the condos in the building (millions of dollars apparently, not surprising in nyc) when he said something which I didn't hear.
"What?" I said.
"I don't like yous," he said.
Woah, I thought, isn't that sort of a bad thing?
But then he started talking about Germans and I realized he had ACTUALLY said, "I don't like Jews." *gasp* I guess I couldn't understand some of what he said because of his thick Puerto Rican accent. Anyways then he started saying other things, like..
"Y(j)ou know the Germans? They killed millions of Jews.... Millions!" he said.
I nodded and gave a very troubled face. I opened my mouth to say how unfortunate this was, when he spoke before me...
"But they [the Jews] are not finished yet!" he said excitedly, shaking his head.
My jaw dropped (mentally).
"If they ever come to my country, I'm going to kick them out!" he cried.
Anyways then he proceeded to assure me that I could kick them out too, since I was "Indio" and basically almost Puerto Rican.

Reminds me of the time the same said janitor tried to convince me that Bush is a Jew. Now, Bush can be many things, but I think he's make it clear that he's less of a Jew and more of an evangelical. Of that I'm sure.
I have a lot of funny conversations with random people I meet at my job. Like Chuck, the big Irish guy on the west side. I met Chuck at a site that I was overseeing. He liked to talk to me and the other guys about how women keep their men on leashes. His Own Woman. His Own Woman, he said, was a fiery one who kept him on a leash but she had good qualities to make up for it- like her independence, and her ability to make a mean meatloaf. Haha. He was a funny one. He also liked to talk about how he would feel about a woman boss. He would ponder what he'd do if he had to get ahead by pleasing her in a, let's say manly, way. After some deliberation, Chuck concluded, "Hey! You gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead, huh? Yeah, I'd do her, depending on how hot she is" *Sigh* Men never change. I have no idea why he would talk to me about these things; I was overseeing other pple! But I mostly laughed.
That was the extent of this blog. A crazy conversation with a crazy janitor. And Chuck the Entertainer.
Okay, last one! I swear!
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You should post that on ha -
i always wondered whether pple made stuff up on that website... some of the convos are really strange.
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