
Online Quiz Addiction

Normally I think online quizzes are dumb and girls put too much stock into actually BELIEVING them. But with quizzes as adorable as these... awww, come on now. So I wasted time checking out this little website... it's so fun and SHORT! The quizzes are ubereasy to do.

What Goddess Are You?
You Are Artemis!

Brave, and a natural born leader.

You're willing to fight for what you believe in...

And willing to make tough decisions.

Don't forget - the people around you have ideas too!
Hmmm. SOOOO not true. Better luck next time?

Let's see.....

You Are Trinity

"Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again."

Hehe. I dig Trinity, although not necessarily the Matrix movies she was in...

Besides being a superheroine and goddess, I'd like to see what kind of bikini I am. Hehe. Just saying that aloud makes me crack up.

What Kind of Bikini Are You?
You Are a Boy Shorts Bikini!

You're a sexy girl, but you don't have to let everything hang out to prove it.
Hey! I have those!

Okay, for my love life:

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
You Are A Professional Girlfriend!

You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise!

Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro.

If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you.

You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy.

Okay, that is hella funny. HAHAHA! please. =P

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