
I need satellite radio

The past few times I've driven for work I've ALWAYS forgotten to bring CDs, which means I end up listening to the radio. Aside from NPR, the radio pretty much sucks. It's either music I haven't heard of (I admit I haven't been keeping upto date with latest trends) or obnoxious DJs prattling on about stupid shit, or really loud and headache-inducing commercials about cars. Honestly, commercials are the worst. I once read somewhere that commercials are actually LOUDER than the actual program. The prattle of DJs during the mind-numbing "Morning zoo" conversations come a close second. S0me of these DJs are SOOOO not funny. And the sad thing is, they think they are. Half the time, the only people laughing at their jokes are they themselves. And what is up with all the "Morning zoo pranks" that they pull on unsuspecting listeners? Some of them border on racist and classist, which has made news lately. Honestly, I need to get satellite radio. Sometimes, even Howard Stern is better to listen to. I said sometimes, people.

Anyway, those are my deep thoughts for today. Not very deep, esp. since I am so tired. Time to hit the sheets and wake up at 5am. Tomorrow I'm bringing some Macy Gray and Sheryl Crow for the trip. Power to soulful females.

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