
Dirty Nerd

Tired again, because I've been holding off on showing my boss a set of calculations at work. Trying to avoid someone the WHOLE day can be tiring. Keeping an ear out for clickety heels headed towards my cubicle, turning my third eye towards the back of my head, thinking of other things to talk about to avoid reminding boss of said set of calculations. Tiring. Ahhh, tomorrow will be judgement day.

Today I had a hilarious conversation. For those of you who don't remember your physics:
F= force
m= mass
a= acceleration
v= velocity
p= momentum

If you still don't know what I'm talking about, the rest of this won't make much sense. For the rest of us, hehe.

Bwoy: hello

me: vats up yaar

Bwoy: i'm fucking tired

me: awwww
r u done for today?

Bwoy: hell no
i kinda want to take a nap
but i think that may be dangerous

me: hmm ya
i think not
don't lose the momentum

Bwoy: well, problem is
v = 0

me: awwww no
should i provide some a?

Bwoy: ass
hell yeah

me: no! "a" as in acceleration!

Bwoy: provide some "a"
and you'll get some F
F = ma


I love being a nerd. A dirty one.

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